Headed out of Antalya this AM after heading to the local Kodak shop and printing the best image of the four or so I shot the other day of a local jewelry-maker, who had no internet, and was so pleased to get her picture.

So I headed out on the road on a pretty short day, as it’s only 60 KM or so (normally, anyway—I’m sure you can guess what’s coming--- it took the whole day to get) to Side (SEE deh), where I am now.
The first stop was Perge,

with chariot wheel ruts

some interesting people

and I had a chance to buy a lot of genuine Roman and Hellenic coins.
“My uncle, the archaeologist, dug them up himself!”
“Yes, I’m sure he did. And I’m just as sure he made them himself, and buried
them himself as well.”
“For you, my friend, I like Obama--- special price. Only 40 Lira ($25)
for genuine ahntik coin. . . .”
It's the biggest intact ancient theatre— and 10-12,000 people still use it for concerts.

With an acropolis with a big basilica

And nearby, an aqueduct

with two of these a few hundred meters apart (you can go up in them to the top!)

And a family doing homework after school with four kids, mom, the auntie, and grandma---
Here are two of the girls and grandma.

And the glory of the day and the ruin of the afternoon are both here in Side. The old town is one big rug, restaurant, souvenir, and T-shirt shop (I kept wondering where the town went) but tomorrow AM I'll hit the old Roman city just on the other side of the highway, as soon as I wake up, and that should be great.
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