Wednesday, March 11, 2009


It's called Two Minutes in Turkey because that's the purpose of the trip.

If I take 7500 images (I took 6600 on last spring's trip) and they average 1/60 of a second, that's 125 seconds. . . . Actually, the pictures are usually faster than that (1/100 or 1/200 of a second) but the arithmetic works out better at 1/60.

I'll be adding lots of natterings about what we see and what we reflect upon what we see to these reports and a lot more pictures than I did last year---

I mean, Duh! Digital camera, e-mail 17 or so longish reports home-- and hardly any pictures at all.


But I won't have the Mad Albanian Shopping Goddess with me this year-- she's taking the extreme step of traveling with her very own husband this year--

They are hitting a conference in Budapest the last week of April and then heading out for about a month-- Albania and Romania mostly. She'll be filling up the car again, I'm sure.

Probably nothing more will get written before the trip actually begins, but I wanted to set up the web site now and post the first article (without pictures--- hell, I'm sitting in North Seattle) and so I now have a place on the web to refer you all to.



  1. I'll be expecting great photos from you as well as your interesting take on the culture, language and people. Please take more "People" photos. Have fun and stay safe.

  2. Hope you're having a great beginning! It's been more than a week since we've seen each other and the red wine is getting drier every minute!


  3. Hi Robert. Those are great pics. My boys and I looked at them tonight. I really liked the flowers, and spices, and vegetables.

  4. So, Bob, where are the lizards, turtles and frogs? Great pictures, but I don's see any turkeys either. Hope you are having fun.
